The Yama Kaminari Clan Kamon and it’s Usage
Written by Anna Malit’sa
The Yama Kaminari kamon (or mon) is the personal kamon of Sir Ogami Akira, Daimyo of Yama Kaminari. It is registered as his device with the SCA College of Heralds and the European blazon of the heraldry is as follows: Gules, a triangle argent within a delf voided and fracted in cross argent. It looks like this:
The Daimyo kindly allows and encourages members of Yama Kaminari (including members of associated households) to use his personal device to signify membership of the Clan.
As the Clan kamon is the personal device of the Daimyo, the kamon must always be used in a manner that is respectful to Sir Ogami. (And the Clan as well.)
It should not be modified or parodied, including replacing the triangle in the center of the mon with anything else. *
The Daimyo likes his mon just the way it is. You can, however, put just about anything (within reason and taste) below the mon. Just don’t change the mon itself. The mon should be white on red, though other colors may be acceptable (in keeping with Japanese Heraldry) for some applications, pending clear affirmative approval of the Daimyo**.
The Daimyo loves seeing his mon! He encourages you to wear it as a favor or on your sashimono so that people know that you are a part of his clan. He likes it on windscreens and on the gate. He would love to see it on the top of your personal Japanese banners, and just about anywhere that is tasteful and respectful to the Daimyo.
If you are unsure if your idea of mon usage is tasteful, err on the side of caution. Ask the Daimyo to see if he responds in an enthusiastically positive manner**, or bounce your idea off of someone like the Vicomtesse Akiley or Sir Christopher and see if they make a nasty face or if they think it’s cool. If they think it’s cool, check with the Daimyo just to be safe.
When using the Clan mon on a Japanese banner or sashimono, the mon should be in the following order:
Top-most kamon: Clan mon
Second kamon: household (if applicable)
Bottom kamon: personal device
For a sashimono, you can use the Clan mon alone, however personal banners should include your personal device.
The mon can even be used on be used on European style banners, such as those long triangular war banners!
The Clan mon may also be used to mark anything that is Clan property, such as Clan boxes, Clan wagons, and the like. You can also use the mon on your own personal items, if you like.
Only the Daimyo may use his mon in conjunction with the kanji for his name, and only the Daimyo may lace his mon into his armor. Hey, ownership has it’s privileges.