
The structure of the Clan is based upon that of 16th century Japanese clans. There are three levels in the structure: the Daimyo, the Bugyo and the Membership. (These are much-shortened descriptions taken from Clan by-laws).

The Daimyo
The Daimyo — Sir Ogami Akira

The Daimyo serves as a figurehead and a unifying symbol. He has the power to hire and fire members of the Bugyo. He may veto its ideas and may suggest actions or projects, but he may not unilaterally direct them. He is responsible for the major decisions and affiliations that affect the Clan externally, although he is required to consult the Bugyo before committing the Clan to any major position or action.
The Bugyo

The Bugyo is the ruling council of the Clan. Its members are appointed by the Clan Master for an appointed term. The Bugyo consists of five members: the Hatamoto, the Karo, the Juro, the Shokunin, and the O-Dai.

The Hatamoto — Cecily of Whitehaven

The Hatamoto organizes projects, keeps track of membership, must anticipate and solve problems, resolve disputes, plans and runs the War encampment, advises the Clan Master, keeps track of Clan property, and directs the daily operations of Clan.

The Karo — Jorunn MacDonald of Clanrandal

The Karo is the chief personal retainer to the Clan Master. The Karo must act as social secretary to the Clan Master, keep an appointment book, greet visitors to the Clan encampment, stand in for him when he has a scheduling conflict, and direct the personal retainers. In addition, the Karo also must try to make sure that the Clan Master eats, sleeps and presents a proper appearance.

The Juro — Sir Christopher Rawlins, O.P.

The Juro is responsible for directing the Clan’s fighters, for instructing them in the techniques of Japanese warfare and for getting them where they need to be when they need to be there. He leads the Clan fighters when the Clan Master is not present.

The Shokunin — Kusunoki Fumio Bun-ami AKA Master Morien ap Rhys

The Shokunin is responsible for the “stage dressing” of Clan functions, for researching and designing how to make things look good. The Shokunin also is responsible for advising everyone on correct procedures and etiquette for Clan functions. The Shokunin organizes and directs projects which affect how the Clan is perceived.

The Daiiko — Michael the Tinkerer

This man makes things for Clan. You say, “Hey, you know what would be cool?”…. Then, POOF! He has many tools, both power and not.