
Membership in Clan Yama Kaminari

Membership in Clan Yama Kaminari is by invitation only.

We receive many inquiries regarding membership from people near to us as well as from around the world. We prefer to know the people in Clan personally before we extend membership. The membership process is as follows:

Full Membership

First, you should spend as much time with Yama Kaminari people as possible. Typically, the Pennsic War is the easiest place to find a lot of us in the same location. If you decide you fit in, and if we decide you might fit in, then a member of Yama Kaminari will privately suggest your name to the Bugyo or Ruling Council of Clan.

The Bugyo will discuss the candidate among themselves. If, for some reason a member of the Bugyo objects, then no invitation will be extended. If the Bugyo has no objections, the candidate’s name is then presented to the Daimyo of the Clan who has final say.

Associate Membership

A second way to gain membership into Yama Kaminari is by associate membership. Associate Membership is attained:
By joining one of the households which have membership in Yama Kaminari.

By having a relationship (i.e., squire, man at arms, retainer, apprentice, spouse, child etc.) with a member of Yama Kaminari.

We appreciate everyone who would like to be a part of Yama Kaminari. For those whose situation makes it impossible to join, we still are more than happy to make new friends and share ideas and information. For further information please contact the web ministers.